Ready to create a plan and live a comfortable retirement?

Say hello to the

Opes Wealth Programme

Create a plan (and invest in property)

Book your free session

Remember the first time you thought about what might happen when you get older?

It probably felt like ...

You were on a tightrope.

On one side, you have 15+ years (or so) before you retire, so you’re not that concerned.

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Okay, maybe not this exact scenario...

But I’m willing to bet you're probably concerned about what's ahead.

Because deep down we all know if we don’t plan for the future, life will get tough.

However, taking the first step feels like climbing a mountain.

So, you end up back at square one...

  • Delaying

    Waiting for that “right” moment that never seems to come.
  • Questioning

    Worried about making a mistake “What if I regret my decision?”
  • Doubting

    "Can I even afford to invest and build a property portfolio?”
Thought bubble

But let’s think about this for a moment.

What’s the true cost of waiting?

Your life is always busy (you’re probably busy right now) … that’s unlikely to change.

You’ll struggle to find an investor who said ... 

"I'm glad I waited another six months".

Because, over the long term (15+ years).

Time in the market beats trying to time the market.

Paying off your mortgage isn’t enough

For our parents, this worked.

Buy a house, work to pay off the mortgage and live off NZ super.

That was their retirement plan … and it worked.

But relying on this strategy is not enough in 2023

What does life actually look like if you do nothing?

Without any assets, you’ll have to rely on the government superannuation.

That’s only $622 per week (for a couple).

According to a study from Massey University, that means:

$17.47 for Vegetables

$12.29 for Alcohol

$23.88 for Eating out at Restaurants

The majority going towards rent.

But for the majority of Kiwis (if we do nothing), this is a reality.

That's not a comfortable retirement.

It’s more like survival. 

If NZ Super isn’t enough ... then what?

You need a plan.

Retirement plan

You need a plan that ensures the investment properties you buy give you the life you expect.

Because just buying any investment property will not cut it.

The hardest thing is taking the leap and getting started.

I understand ...

Decisions, especially big ones, can be daunting.

Especially making a decision that impacts your future.

Nobody want’s to feel like they’ve made a mistake ...

How do I know?

I think it’s time to introduce myself ...

Hi, I'm Andrew Nicol

Andrew on air

You might think I have always had things figured out.

But that's not true.

I was terrified of making a mistake with my first property.

I wanted everything to be perfect.

My hunt for the ideal property stretched from two months to a whole year. 

Then, one day, I was in the car with Tony Mounce (my mentor).

He said. "You've got enough deposit. Stop messing around. Just buy something."

So I did.

I mean, the property I bought wasn't a ‘unicorn’ property.

After all, unicorns don’t exist.

But it gave me my start.

Also, an important lesson.

To get out of my head and listen to people who know what they are talking about.

To be a successful property investor, I needed to...

  • Develop a solid plan

  • Buy the right type of property

  • Pick properties in the top locations

  • Work with with people who have experience

    (People who know what they are talking about)

“Listening to the right people allowed me to grow my portfolio substantially.”

Opes team photo 2024 04 11 223649 nfjl min

Here’s the good news

You don't need 10+ properties ... like I initially thought.

You only need 2-5 properties to retire comfortably (depending on your lifestyle).

When I started investing it was like driving in the dark … I could only see as far as the headlights.

I ran into some dead ends, hit some potholes and had no idea where I was heading.

Had I been able to see the entire journey, from start to finish, I would have avoided a lot of mistakes.

And it’s the same for you. 

You need to create a plan to avoid mistakes. 

If you want to live a comfortable retirement, you need to know where you’re going.

Properties We Recommend Thumbnail 1

Success stories from our investors

Andrea & Jono5/5 stars

I can honestly say I would never have done this - or had the expertise to navigate this on my own

I'd like to acknowledge the expertise and professionalism of Opes and let anyone else out there considering these guys to give them a go. Don't believe me, you have nothing to lose - make contact.  It's been a thoroughly professional data driven journey with highly knowledgeable and experienced people (thank you Toby) who have made themselves and their extensive suite of resources available at every turn. In a matter of weeks since first contact, I have a property under contract and I can honestly say I would never have done this - or had the expertise to navigate this on my own. Congrats to the team at Opes and thanks so much for the support to do this. I'm looking forward to doing the next one in 3 years.

Jamie S5/5 stars

Excellent and enjoyable experience

We have had an excellent and enjoyable experience with the team at Opes. They helped provide us with the knowledge, process steps, and nudges in the right direction as we started our investment journey. Toby, Carina, and Michelle were great to work with. Their professionalism and helpful approach to information and taking the time to explain the process were hugely appreciated. We would highly recommend working with the Team at Opes if you are wanting to start an investment journey, as well as listening to Ed and Andrew's daily podcasts for great tips and advice.

What you need for a comfortable retirement

Data-driven plan: You need a plan. But not just any plan. One that you can trust, that’s data-driven so you have the confidence you are making the right decision.

Expert guidance: Our Financial Advisers (not salespeople) have years of experience in property investment. We aren’t real estate agents. If it appears you aren’t in a solid position to invest, we’ll stop you from moving forward.

Risk management: We pair you with the solid investment properties, ensure your contract is for your best interest and help find the right tenants. If you have any problems with your investment then we'll help find a solution.

Simplified Process: We simplify the complex property investment process for you.

Long-term support: Our support continues even after you invest in a property. You’ll get ongoing support and advice as you navigate your property investment journey.

The Wealth Plan Programme

Opes Partners Wealth Plan Programme

Step 1 - Plan

Create your Wealth Plan

The first step in the programme is to create a plan with your Financial Adviser using our My Wealth Plan software.

I built this software to plan out exactly how many properties you need to retire comfortably.

You'll leave this 1-hour session with a written plan for your retirement.

Step 2 - Pick

Find Rent Ready properties

Once you've created your plan in step #1 – your financial adviser will go out and find properties that fit your plan. They'll search through projects from up to 97 developers to find the best ones for you.

There is no guesswork. The properties have been extensively researched before you see them.

You’ll review the suggested property, go through the analysis, crunch the numbers together, and then decide which ones to hold with the developer.

Step 3 - Decide

The Detail Dive

You'll use the next 10 days to confirm that your suggested property fits within your written strategy.

You'll be introduced to solicitors, mortgage brokers, property managers, valuers, and chattel valuers to ensure the property makes sense for you as an investment.

Your Financial Adviser will be there to answer any questions and support you every step of the way.

Step 4 - Setup

The Smooth Setup

When you decide to Confirm the Committment, that’s when things kick into gear.

Your New Build property might not be built yet. So your Client Relationship manager will send you build updates from the developer.

There’s a bit to do, and many investors struggle with this when they do it on their own.

Step 5 - Build

The Background Wealth Builder

The final step is the Background Wealth Builder. You'll continually manage your property while it quietly goes up in value.

Your property starts earning rent, and your property manager looks after it.

Your mortgage adviser will stick around. They'll help you choose your interest rates and manage your mortgage.

You’ll also talk to your financial adviser every year to review your portfolio and plan the next steps. You’ll regularly review your Wealth Plan to make sure you’re still on track.

And to ensure you feel comfortable along the way, you’ll also get:


The Ultimate Guide to Buying a New Build

This complete guide will answer every question about buying an investment property.


Return On Investment Spreadsheet

Run the numbers on potential investment properties and see if they stack up.


Call support

You’ll have questions, and probably lots of them. Whenever you have one pop into your head, you can pick up the phone and talk to your Financial Adviser (weekdays 9-5).



Get access to the Data Hub, which includes data on median house prices, capital growth, rental yields, and assessments of properties as undervalued or overvalued, among other metrics.


Step-by-Step Checklist

Ensure you don't miss a thing with a checklist that keeps you organized at each phase of your investment.

What is the cost of the Opes Wealth Programme?

Wealth Plan Programme


We get paid by the developer

Create a plan & invest in new builds

  • Plan your property portfolio
  • Receive suitable investment property recommendations
  • Help you buy new build investment properties
  • Work 1-on-1 with financial adviser who specialises in investment property
  • No cost to you for the service but there will be other costs involved when purchasing a new build investment property

The Service ... $0?

We receive payment from the property developer when a property is sold.

Hang on a second … 

“Doesn’t that incentive you to sell any type of property?”


Every investment property we present must pass our 23-step checklist.

76% of developers don’t make it pass the checklist.

Every single property gets analyzed before our Financial Advisers can present them as investments.

While the programme itself is free, there are costs associated with investing.

Here’s what you can expect to spend on an investment property.

Property Price is $550,000+

Set up costs $4,000 - $7,000.

Your top-up (cashflow) will cost you $350 - $500 per week.

Success stories from our investors

Rachel K5/5 stars

Would highly recommend!

Great property manager, dealt with any of our queries quickly and hassle free. Happy to rent from Opes Property Management and would highly recommend!

Kevin5/5 stars

Clear and well-documented process and guidance from start to finish

This was (and still is 😊) a daunting process for us but you have guided us every step of the way. We are incredibly grateful for the help you have given us as we move into this next phase of our lives. I'm not sure how many others there are in the market doing what you do but I can't imagine that they bring the same level of professionalism in packaging the whole experience up with a knowledge base, a clear and well-documented process and guidance from start to finish. We will continue to sing your praise to anyone that we come across who is looking to buy an investment property. You guys are the best.

Laura5/5 stars

We will definitely be coming back to you guys

I would like to say a huge and profound thank you for all your help throughout this process. We have both been really impressed with Opes - not just the quality of your own work, but also the level of service and help we got from the professionals you recommended. When we bought our first house in 2020 the process was nowhere near as smooth, and this time I think I spent about half an hour thinking ", that went without a hitch!"  I especially liked the updates portal and the meeting where we went through the settlement process, plus the helpful guide document that was provided. I have actually recommended Opes to a few of my friends, and I know once we are ready for our next investment property (once interest rates don't make us cringe!) we will definitely be coming back to you guys.

Leon N5/5 stars

Highly impressed with opes

Me and my partner were highly impressed with opes and their professional team , what a pleasure to deal with them! Thank you Stevie for guiding us in the right direction, we will definitely deal with opes if we decide to invest again.

Is the Opes Wealth Programme right for You?

This will be a GOOD fit for you ...

  • You’re open to investing in New Build properties.
  • You prefer data-driven decisions over mere opinions.
  • You’re keen to have a Financial Adviser guide you through the process.
  • You want a passive "done-for-you" service for a hands-off investing experience.
  • You want to invest for 10 years or more.

This programme ISN’T a good fit for you ...

  • You want a plan, but want to implement it yourself and go on TradeMe to the find properties yourself.
  • You’re not that keen on working with (or listening to) a Financial Adviser
  • You’d prefer to be hands-on and renovate an existing property to get ahead.
  • You're seeking quick riches or overnight success.

How does the Opes Wealth Programme work in practice?

Option #1

Option #2

Worried about being locked into something you can’t get out of?

I get you.

That’s why you can pull out of this process before you confirm on a property.

Whether it’s the first meeting (Portfolio Planning session) or right up to the end of due diligence.

If something comes up in your life, you can stop.

No questions asked.


Now I know what you might be thinking …

How is this different from buying an investment property off TradeMe?

This is more than just buying a property.

This is more than just buying a property

Bear with me for second…

Imagine it's a Saturday and you're about to start a game of soccer.

Every player in your team represents an element you must address when investing in property. 

When you try property investment alone, you'll find yourself sprinting up and down the field.

One moment, you're the striker, trying to secure the best property.

The next, you're rushing to play defense, ensuring your contract is rock solid.

Attempting this solo is like trying to win a match with a one-person team.

Imagine having a full team each with their dedicated roles:


Andrew Nicol

Financial Adviser

Creating your plan to help you hit your financial goals.


Scott Collings

Development Consultant

Getting you the best price for the investment property


Brittany White

Contracts Manager

Tackling the contract terms


Vanessa Garrod

Group Head of Compliance & Risk Manager

Ensuring the developer won't abandon the project midway

Tina 001

Tina List

Client Relationship Manager

Supporting you from the beginning to the end


Ed McKnight

Resident Economist

Getting all the data you need to help you make an informed decision

You have two options

Take on property investment by yourself.

Join a top-tier A-league team that supports you.

Book your free session

Success stories from our investors

Mitchell5/5 stars

The process was just so much clearer

My wife and I were extremely satisfied with the services provided by Opes. They made everything extremely easy and stress-free. Jason Bruce (and his associates) were awesome to work with. He was available at the drop of a hat and was more than happy to answer questions and follow up on any concerns we had. He always made sure we were comfortable during our time working with Opes and introduced us to many new connections that I believe will be long-lasting for many years to come. The outcome of working with Opes Partners was we made a plan for our investment journey and ended up purchasing our first investment property. Even though we could have done this ourselves, the process was just so much clearer with a lot of research presented to us to back our decision. It was great to work with Opes and we will definitely be using them again!

Cherie5/5 stars

Our settlement at 6/22 Rutherford Street Woolston went very smoothly

Our settlement at 6/22 Rutherford Street Woolston went very smoothly, a big thank you to Vivienne for her highly organised work. We had tenants moved in straight away, rent is at $675 per week instead of the old appraisal of $620. It’s a great purchase, thank you Dennis for your recommendation.

Still here, reading through all this?

You either have:

A lot of patience, or a nagging thought ...

“How can you be sure that creating a plan & investing in property is the right decision for me?”

Because I’ve worked with hundreds of investors like you.

You've likely spent hours researching, attending webinars, and probably considering all kinds of investment strategies.

Yet, you're still hesitant about taking the first step.

So, let's get real here

I can't promise you that property investment will always be smooth.

Because even with the most well-thought-out plans and most experienced team, there will be hiccups.

There will be times when the market dips, interest rates rise (like now), or when unforeseen circumstances could set your plans back.

But what I can assure you is, with our:

Clipboard list

You’ll never have to navigate these challenges alone.

Book your portfolio planning session & create a plan with a financial adviser

Use our My Wealth Plan Software to create a detailed financial plan for $0

"What happens when I fill out this form?"

Watch this 60 second video 👇

Use our My Wealth Plan Software to create a detailed financial plan for $0

What this call includes:

1-hour session with a financial adviser + our My Wealth Plan software

Walk away with a written financial plan

Find out what properties are right for you and your portfolio

No obligation or cost. This is your chance to see if we're right for you.

Frequently asked questions

Create a detailed financial plan for $0