Is the new build property I'm looking at a good investment?

Get a free second opinion on the new build you have under contract.

  • 30-minute call with property investor and financial adviser Andrew Nicol
  • Get a cashflow analysis on the property you're buying
  • Get a professional opinion from a financial adviser

Fill in the form to book your free call.

Get a second opinion on the new build you are considering

“Am I making a mistake by buying this property?”

You're probably a bit nervous if you’ve got a new build property under contract. You might be thinking:

  • “Is it a good investment?”
  • “Am I making a mistake …” or
  • “Is this the right financial decision for me and my family?”

That’s normal, especially when you’re about to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on a new build property.

To make the right decision, you can get a second opinion on the property from an independent property investment company.

Second Opinon


It costs nothing

  • 30-minute Zoom call with Andrew Nicol
  • Cashflow analysis on the investment property
  • Independent second opinion on the property you're purchasing

No fine print. No hidden fees.

How much does it cost to get a second opinion on my property I have under contract?

It's free. Complimentary. No cost.
  • If the property you've got under contract isn't a good investment, we can find you one that is. In that case we'll get paid a fee from a developer 
  • If the property you've got under contract is a good investment – you might use our mortgage brokers or property managers

Should I book this call?

Book this call if

  • You have a new build property under contract
  • You can still pull out of your contract (it's conditional)
  • You want to know if it's a good investment

Don't book this call if

  • You don't have a new build property under contract
  • You can't pull out of your contract (it's unconditional)
  • You don't want to work with a financial adviser
Andrew Nicol – Property investor and financial adviser
Andrew Nicol – Property investor and financial adviser

Who will I be talking to?

Get a second opinion from Andrew Nicol – property investor and financial adviser

Andrew Nicol is a property investor and financial adviser. Over the last 19 years, he has worked with 1000’s of Kiwi property investors to grow their wealth.

He hosts the Property Academy Podcast, New Zealand’s #1 business podcast.

Frequently asked questions

You've probably got a question or two. Here's what's probably going through your head.

Get a second opinion on the new build you are considering
